How To Create A Big Presence As A Small Business On Social Media

Bringing your small business into the web for the first time can be a bit daunting. With all the different social platforms available and trying to find the right content to connect with people- you’ll probably get a headache just thinking about it. Take a breath, we’ve got you covered.


Find Your Audience

Let’s start at the base of your small business. Who is your target audience? How do you figure that out? Consider who would benefit the most from your product or service based on age, gender, and location. For example, if you have a snow shoveling company you would probably not direct your services to people in Florida or Texas. Think about where your business would be valued the most and consider these factors when you begin creating content.

It's all about your audience

Not All Platforms Were Created Equal

After figuring out who your target audience on social is, think about what platforms would be best for your business. There is a very broad range of platforms to choose from between Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, etc. (It can get overwhelming, don’t worry, YOU DON’T NEED THEM ALL!) Consider which platforms get used the most by your target audience. For example, if you lean towards a teenage or college age demographic, you will probably choose TikTok and Instagram. While Facebook or LinkedIn are geared more towards young professionals and older adults.


Judging The Book By Its Cover

When you have selected your platforms, it’s time to think about how you want your brand to be perceived. The person who said “don’t judge a book by its cover” did not work in marketing. Your social media feed is what is going to attract your target audience to your small business. Because of this, you will want to consider what tone of voice you want to use for your messaging and what colors and imagery you want to use for your graphics. There are lots of options for the tone of your social media. You could make your platform fun, humorous, formal, serious- whatever you feel fits your business the best! If you decide to have a color theme, think of colors that will suit your brand. If you were selling children’s toys, you would pick bright and fun colors. On the flip side, if you were selling luxury products, you would probably pick cleaner and simple designs. Once you have picked your tone and branding, make sure to try and incorporate it into your posts for consistency!

If you feel like you need a little help with your branding, check out Striped Dog Creative!

Your brand is your logo

Friends Is Not Just An Awesome 90’s TV Show

Now that you are ready to debut your small business on social media, find your community! Technically, other small businesses with a similar product or service would be considered your competitors, but as a small business, they are your best friends. It’s a great opportunity to collaborate with other small businesses on social media and get inspired for how you want to grow your brand. Consider following and engaging with like-minded accounts!


Most of all, have fun and get social!

Tried all these and still having a difficult time with social? Check out Why Social Media isn’t Working for You!